Come with me as I take on the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide to lose weight, tone up and feel better all round!

My Starting Measurements
10 Stone 5 lbs | 145 lbs
Bust – 38″
Waist – 30 1/4″
Hips – 37 1/2″
Bum – 39 1/2″
Arms – 12″
Thighs – 23 1/2″
VLOG: A Week on The Kayla Itsines BBG!
Week 2 Weigh-In & Progress Pictures
As always weight loss and toning doesn’t happen overnight so when I took my photos this time round I wasn’t expecting to see a huge difference but i am pleasantly surprised at how much better I feel so far.
The biggest difference in my photos this time is my tummy but those who read my blog from yesterday will know that I’ve actually had a nasty tummy bug this week so I didn’t end up eating for 24 hours and only a little bit of toast and crackers the day after resulting in quite a drastic difference in that area – NOT recommended or worth it, bleurgh. That aside I can see a slight difference in my waist and thighs but nothing to write home about, I’m not holding my breath (or giving up) until we’re a bit further along into the programme.
Week 2 Measurements
9 Stone 12 lbs | 138 lbs (-7 lbs…that’s half a stone!)
Bust – 36″(-2″)
Waist – 30″ (- 1/4″)
Hips – 36″ (- 1 & 1/2″)
Bum – 39 1/4″ (- 1/4″)
Arms – 11″ (- 1″)
Thighs – 23″ (- 1/2″)
= 5 1/2 inches lost and 7lbs!
LISS Exercise with Kayla Itsiness BBG
I get asked what exercise I do for LISS and if there’s anything else i take part in whilst doing the guide. The answer this time round is kickboxing and walking the dog along with using my Slendertone Ab Belt (see my review with before and after pictures here) a few times a week.
My schedule for the first two weeks has been something like this – a little different to what I’d originally planned but that’s the beauty of Kayla’s programme, it fits in around your schedule:
Monday: 1 hour kickboxing lesson
Tuesday: 40 minutes walking the dog
Wednesday: Kayla Legs/Arms (depending on what hurts less after kickboxing!)
Thursday: 1 hour kickboxing lesson
Friday: Kayla Legs/Arms (whichever I didn’t do Wednesday)
Saturday: 40 minutes walking the dog
Sunday: Rest Day (although we have been taking Wilson out for a casual Sunday stroll)
Week 4 Weigh in & Progress Pictures
So here we are – Week 4 of the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide, a third of the way through and we’re starting to see some difference! I’m really pleased with my progress pictures this time around because not only do I feel so much better but I can also see a big difference in my waist, thighs, bum and tummy which is great!
The interesting thing about my week 4 update is that I’ve actually gained 4lbs and 1 1/4 between my bum and my hips! However I don’t tend to worry about the number on my scales too much as with the Kayla programme we’re gaining muscle which weighs more anyway, and those extra inches on my bum I blame the squats for! I’m really pleased with my progress and it’s so encouraging to see this much difference after just 4 weeks.
Week 4 Measurements
10 Stone 2 lbs | 142 lbs (+4 lbs)
Bust – 32 1/2″(-3 1/2″)
Waist – 30″ (- 0″)
Hips – 36 1/2″ (+1/2″)
Bum – 40″ (+3/4″)
Arms – 11″ (- 0″)
Thighs – 23 1/4″ (+1/4″)
= 2 inches lost and 4lbs gained…eeek!
VLOG: Another Week on the BBG
Week 6 Weigh In & Progress Pictures
Week 6 is here and for some reason this seems like a milestone to me in the Kayla Itsines programme. I’m heading to Mexico in just under a week and I’m really proud to say that i will be wearing that bikini with pride as I think my progress has really come on!
For some reason my bust has ballooned again over the past two weeks but as I haven’t had a boob job that I’m aware of I’m putting that one down to hormones or a dodgy measurement at week 4! As for the rest though I’ve lost inches everywhere apart from my arms, although I do see more definition there and I feel a lot stronger on my push-ups etc.

Week 6 Measurements
Weight: 9 stone 13 (137lbs | -3lbs)
Bust – 36 (+5.5″)
Waist – 29 (-1″)
Hips – 35 (-1.5″)
Bum – 39.5 (-0.5″)
Arms – 11″
Thighs – 22″ (-0.75″)
= -3.75 inches and -3lbs!
Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide Review:
Come follow me on instagram @xameliax to see how I fit staying fit and healthy into my normal, everyday life!