Slim Fast. Now there’s a blast from the past! You might be looking at the photo above and be thinking – wait, what’s not Slim Fast, I thought it was just a liquid diet of milkshakes? Well, over the years the Slim Fast 321 plan has had a major re-vamp and is now a protein-packed fully nutritionally balanced plan to suit everyone’s weight goals.
From cold berry shakes to caramel chocolate bars, pretzels, home made curries, fresh fruit, pasta, golden syrup porridge – it’s all allowed on the Slimfast 321 plan.
Let’s delve a little further into exactly what this weight loss plan looks like and why it might work for you.
Personal Note:
This is something I’ve been talking about quite vocally over on my instagram, and perhaps it needs a blog of its own. But it’s incredibly important to remember that it is possible to love your body and still want to change bits.
Revelation: Diets don’t actually have to be a miserable punishment that you inflict on yourself because you hate what you see in the mirror!
Look, change won’t happen overnight and you’re not going to notice anything moving on the outside until at least 2 weeks into a new plan. So my advice is to learn to love what you see first. Work on accepting your body for what it is now before starting a new health or weight loss plan. And I promise you, it will make the whole thing a lot easier, happier and more successful.
It’s ok to want to change, but make sure you’re doing it from a place of love and acceptance, not hate and punishment. You deserve that.
The Slim Fast 321 Plan

So just what is the Slim Fast 321 Plan?
The Slimfast 321 plan is a calorie controlled system that allows you to eat a variety of foods and snacks that are balanced with the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats as well as vitamins and minerals to aid healthy weight loss.
On the plan you will eat:
- 3 x snacks (100 calories)
- 2 x shakes or bars
- 1 x 600 calorie meal (800 calorie for men)

The Slimfast 321 plan is designed to help you create a 1,200-1,400 calorie deficit (1,600 for men as they need slightly more) each day without having to think about a thing. Perfect for those who don’t know where to start, those who lead a busy lifestyle, or even those who do know where to start but just don’t want to have to think about it all!
You can also be safe in the knowledge that each item in the Slimfast 321 range provides a third of the recommended daily intake of 23 vitamins and minerals as well as a lower sugar count, high fibre and high protein too – all the good stuff!

What about my glass of wine?
GREAT NEWS! Nothing is off limits with Slimfast and you can still enjoy a drink. Just be aware that alcohol contains calories just like everything else (and not a lot of other good stuff to be honest), so go steady and account for that glass of wine in your daily calorie allowance.
Take a look at my blog on lower calorie alcohol options here for inspiration!
Do I have to spend my life in the gym?
No. Slimfast recommend 3 gentle 15-20 minute walks per week to help improve your mental and physical well being…but we should be aiming for that regardless of a diet right? Moving your body is so good for you (and good for the soul) so exercise should be taken into consideration if you want to create a healthier you. But you don’t need to spend 3 hours on a treadmill every evening – Slimfast ensures you get that calorie deficit every day when on the plan regardless.
Want to increase your exercise but don’t know where to start? Scared of joining a gym and fancy trying something out at home?
Take a look at my blog: 3 Easy Ways to Workout at Home for Beginners

What do I do when I’ve hit my weight goal?
The slimfast 321 plan is designed to kick start your weight loss process and help you reach your goals, but it can also be adapted to help you maintain long term too. By simply replacing one of your everyday meals with a slimfast meal product (shake or bar), you can maintain your new goal for as long as you like in that same convenient way.
What Does a REAL Day Look Like on Slimfast
I’m doing the Slim Fast 321 Plan as part of their #ICANJAN campaign. Check out my realistic what I eat in a day video and the start of my Slimfast plan to see how I fit the Slimfast plan around an average day!
I’m actually going to be documenting my entire month on the plan with a series of what I eat in a week videos. So if you’d like to follow along then click SUBSCRIBE on my youtube channel or sign up to my weekly blog newsletters below to be notified of each new Slimfast post…and my before & after results at the end dun dun duuuun!
My Starting Stats:
Age: 31
Height: 5″6
Weight: 11stone 7.5lbs
Body Fat: 38%
Exercise: Non existent!
Clothing Size: UK 12-14
Bust: 39″ (34FF)
Waist: 34″
Hips: 40″
Bum: 42.5″
Leg: 24″
Arm: 11.5″
The slimfast 321 plan isn’t for everyone. It’s important you find a diet plan that works for you to help create that healthy deficit and reach your goals. But it certainly is a convenient option for those wishing to break some habits and reach their goals without having to think too much!
I’m really looking forward to seeing how my month on the Slimfast 321 Plan goes and how it all makes me feel. Don’t forget to pop back each week to see my progress and if it could work for you too!