-Guest Post by RunnerClick-
Regular readers of xameliax will know that I’ve recently gotten into running…well, jogging! I wrote a whole blog post on how to get yourself to actually enjoy running after trying for the last 8 years and never managing it until now – this app changed it all for me!
But with the dark nights drawing in it’s important to stay safe when you’re out on a run, so the lovely Angelina from Runnerclick is here today to give us some tip tips!
Running is a great way to stay in shape, burn calories and boost your overall health. It is also a great way to shut out the world, unwind and collect your thoughts while listening only to the sound of your feet hitting the track or music coming from your headphones.
However, no matter how much you enjoy running, you shouldn’t just throw caution to the wind and neglect your safety. With busy schedules most runners find their only time to run is early in the morning or late in the evening when it is dark outside. Of course, running in the daylight is always a better choice, but that isn’t an option, you should do everything in your power to stay safe. Here are some ways you can stay safer while going for a run.
Choose a Well-lit Area
Maybe your local park is your favorite spot for jogging, but it isn’t your safest choice if it isn’t well-lit. It is for the best if you are able to see the road and avoid a potential hazard, so choose to run in places where there are enough lights so you can see everything clearly.
Be Visible
If you always run early in the morning or late at night when it is dark outside, you need to make yourself as visible as possible. I’m not saying you should look like a moving Christmas tree, especially with so many fabulous night running gear options out there.
These days you can buy reflective jackets, sneakers, shorts, T-shirts, tights and sweatshirts that will help you stay visible during your early morning or evening runs. Keep in mind that white, yellow and orange clothes are more visible in the dark. If you want to increase your safety even more, consider investing in a headlamp.
Bring Your ID
You never know what might happen during your workout, so make sure you always bring your ID when you are going for a run. Most running clothes have a lot of pockets on them, so just put your driver’s license in one of them.
Mix Things Up
Running always at the same time and constantly choosing the same route makes you an easy target. I don’t want to be negative, but it is not a safe world out there and if you continually stick to the same routine potential attackers can study them and loom in particularly isolated areas.
Keep Your Eyes Open for Cyclists and Runners
Even if you are not running on the side of the road, but on a track where there are no cars, you need to keep your eyes open for other runners and cyclists who are also working out. Before you stop or change your direction make sure the path is clear so someone doesn’t accidentally hit you or vice versa.
Make Sure Someone knows Where You Are
Tell your partner, friend or a parent about your workout schedule so they would be able to act quickly if, heaven forbid, you didn’t come back home. Simply inform them about your route or leave a note at your house so someone will be able to find it if something goes wrong.
Don’t Post Your Plans on Social Media
Your workout plans shouldn’t be posted on your social media account, especially if it’s not private. You never know who is following you and the last thing you should do is give strangers a heads up when you are leaving for a run.
No Music
I agree that music can make even the most boring runs more fun and that a great song at the right moment can give you a motivation boost you need, but listening to the radio or your playlist while running can put you in danger. Since you are not able to see as well at dawn or dusk as you are in the middle of the day, you need to clearly hear what’s going on around you in order to stay safe. Therefore, leave your headphones at home when you head out the door or just have one ear in so you can still hear out of the other and stay alert.
Of course, you can never be fully prepared for every possible scenario, but with these tips you will significantly increase your chances of staying safe and sound on your runs.