My New Mindfulness Hobby | Ceramic Painting

A lot of the time I struggle to switch off. I have a million and one things whizzing around my brain and I’m always doing something.

Even when I sit in front of the TV to watch a new series or a film I’m on and off my phone, and I’m very rarely found not multi-tasking in some way.

Sound Familiar?

Last year I was contacted by a little local business in Staffordshire, Pretty Pots Ceramics and asked if I wanted to come down with a friend and try my hand at Pottery Painting. I’d never done pottery before but the idea sounded like a lot of fun and I figured that even if I wasn’t very good at painting there was coffee and cake to lure me in!

We arrived at Pretty Pots and were led by their lovely owner Sophie to a table at the back filled with paint brushes, water jugs and all the colours of paint you could ever imagine! Sophie explained to us the different types of paint we could use and showed us to the wall filled with gorgeous ceramics for us to paint, everything from mugs to candle holders, plates to vases, it was impossible to choose…and we hadn’t even got to the cake selection yet either!

I chose a challenging geo piece for my first go because I don’t do things by halves(!) and we started to paint. Two hours later I realised I hadn’t looked at my phone once and I felt amazing. My brain was clear, I was smiling and chatting away with a friend I hadn’t seen in ages, I was covered in paint and I had created something amazing. I couldn’t believe how relaxing painting a geometric giraffe could be and how fun it was too.

Fast forward 6 months and our trips to Pretty Pots are a weekly occurrence and my house is slowly filling with gorgeous hand painted items! I often go there alone in the day when I need to clear my mind for a couple of hours and I’ve also recruited all my girls to come along with me on their evening sessions too – tea, cake, a spot of painting and a nice big catchup, we love it!

Every time I step through that door I feel at home. Sophie remembers us all every time with our little ceramic projects laid out on the table and our coffee order ready to pour. Everyone smiles and chats to one another over beautiful pieces of art and interesting techniques while gentle music flows through the room with the smell of freshly ground coffee and varnish!

There really is something to be said for sitting down and focusing your mind on one task for a couple of hours. Leaving your worries at the door and engaging that creative part of your brain that so many of us neglect.

“Do more things that make you forget to check your phone”
