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We’re here! At the end of my 6 month smile journey and I’m absolutely astounded and so so happy with my results. Last year I made the decision to get 6 Month Smiles clear adult braces to fix my bottom teeth which had moved after having ‘train tracks’ as a teen – see my full story here! Fast forward just four months and I’m at the other end of my journey with my teeth more perfect than I could have ever dreamed! Here are my 6 Month Smiles before and after photos.
My Teeth Before Treatment
For those who don’t know, 6 Month Smiles are a clear braces system that transform your teeth in, you guessed it, just 6 months’ time! I documented what it was like having them fitted in this post and once they were on you could hardly see them at all! During my journey I’ve had a few brackets break off and a little bit of aching (which you can read more about in my halfway progress update here) but apart from that they haven’t caused me any problems at all and the whole process has been a complete breeze!
And so here we are, my finished 6 Month Smile, well 4 month smile really! I think we broke records at my dentist (The Beaufort Dental Health Centre) for the fastest transformation which is interesting because I was told that sometimes the smaller adjustments take quite a while to fix. My teeth are back where they should be after all these years and I can talk and smile without worrying about my little ‘snaggletooth’ popping up and ruining any photos!
I now have a small fixed wire behind my bottom teeth to make sure they stay in place and don’t decide to go for a wander again. I can’t feel it now it’s been in a week and I actually already have one behind my top two front teeth from my first braces to prevent my hereditory ‘Madonna Gap’ making a reappearance so I’m totally used to it. At night time I wear a clear retainer on my top and bottom teeth just in-case my wires come loose and those nashers start to make small movements which can happen to anyone at any time. They’re not painful and just clip on (invisibly) while I sleep to be used for the foreseeable future as an extra straight smile safety measure. Considering breaking my retainer was the reason my teeth moved back in the first place I’ll be wearing my new one’s religiously and taking very good care of them indeed!
I honestly can’t rave about my 6 Month Smiles experience enough – the whole journey was painless, friendly and so so easy, I’d 100% recommend them to anyone. One set of braces like mine can cost around £1,500 so they’re not cheap, but compared to the 18 months of painful metal I had to put up with 10 years ago I’d say it’s worth every single penny for that perfect smile!
Watch My 6 Month Smile Experience
Interested in getting 6 Month Smiles braces? I vlogged my entire experience (including some very unflattering shots in the dentist’s chair!) so if you’re interested to see what really happens then take a look at my 6 Month Smiles Experience from start to finish!
Got any questions about what it’s like to have 6 Month Smiles clear adult braces?
Feel free to leave me a comment below with your 6 Month Smiles queries.
Follow me on Instagram @xameliax