One of the main questions I see asked around the Blogger/Creator forums is:
‘How do I start working with brands?’
A lot of people blog and create for fun – it’s an amazing hobby, check out this article on how blogging can actually help with anxiety – but for a number of other people, it’s also a career opportunity as they take their blog and social channels to the next level with brand partnerships.
I’ve been in the blogging game for nearly 11 years now and I’ve been earning on here and from my social channels for the last 5, and while I’m no expert, I know a thing or two about working with brands as a blogger, youtuber and ‘influencer’.
Last year, I gave a panel talk on how to pitch to brands, and it quickly became the most highly engaged presentation of the day. It seems a lot of bloggers have the drive to want to work with brands but don’t really know where to begin, so here we go!
How to Pitch to Brands and Establish a Good Relationship with Your Channels
Before you start on the logistics, it’s important to think about value. For a brand partnership to be successful and worthwhile you must add value to the brand and the brand must add value to your channels.
For Example: There is no point reaching out to a sportswear company if your channels are based around crochet.
Think about the value you can add to a brand with your brand in return. Take some time to look at your blog and channels and understand their unique selling points.
No Freebies
Please don’t pitch to a brand just to ‘get free stuff’. You are a professional looking to establish a working relationship – if you want free samples, head to the N07 counter in Boots, not to a brand PR’s inbox.
Pitch to a brand because you want to work with them and share their products to your followers, not just because you can’t be bothered to buy it yourself!
Refer back to point number 1 – think about value.
A lot of the time brands will list their marketing and pr contacts online – they want you to get in touch with valuable ideas. Try googling [BRAND NAME UK PR CONTACT] and see what comes up.
It’s always best to get through to the right department instead of bumbling your way through customer services. If someone gives you a direct contact for a brand, do make sure it’s acceptable to contact them ‘cold’. If you’re unsure, ask your friend to Cc you into an introduction with their contact to keep things a bit warmer.
Tell the brand why you are a good fit for them.
Are you a food blogger with a high number of hits on your gluten free recipes that would be perfect for a product review on a new GF alternative?
How about a youtuber with a highly engaged audience around natural makeup looks who would be ideal for a mineral makeup brand?
Explain to the brand why you think they should work with you – what’s your Unique Selling Point (USP) and why are your a good fit for THEIR brand specifically.
Explain The Deal
If you really want to work with this brand, don’t be afraid to tell them exactly what you’d like to do.
Do you have an idea for an awesome makeup look featuring their eyeliner?
How about a unique seasonal recipe with their chocolate?
A specialised haul video perfect for their new range?
Tell the brand what you’d like to do. Pitch your ideas and show them that you’ve really thought about how your blog can add value to their brand (and that you’re not just after a freebie)
…isn’t this all tying together nicely!
Be Professional
And lastly, keep it professional. Don’t be scared to let your enthusiasm and personality come through, but remember that this is still a business proposal, so maybe leave the ‘Hey Babes’ for your girls on Whatsapp.
If you’d like help writing up your email I’ve created a brand pitch template to help you get started with promps on what to say, guidance on how to structure your email and ideas on information to include.
My Brand Pitch Guide is available to readers of my FREE Lifestyle Magazine The xax Edit. Delivered straight to your inbox, The xax Edit is filled with helpful blog posts, unique articles, interviews with inspirational bloggers, free products and more!
Sign up via the form below and get your downloadable Brand Pitch Template instantly upon subscription.
So I hope you found my guide on how to pitch to brands as a blogger useful – I’ve been doing this blog malarky for so long it’s about time I started passing down some blogging tips!
Let me know on instagram (@xameliax) if you use my free email pitch template and if it helps you work with more brands on your blog!