| The Best Shampoo & Conditioner For Balayage and Ombre Hair…both Budget and High End |
With any coloured hair it needs maintenance to prevent fading or discolouration and we also need a bit more help in the moisture department – especially with bleached ends!
Although they’re very different styles, Balayage and Ombre hair both involve a mixture brunette and blonde tones so using just one shampoo doesn’t quite cut it. I’ve recently taken to using a dream team of shampoos and conditioners that target both brown and blonde hair and keep everyone happy!
If you’re thinking about taking the plunge with Balayage or Ombre hair you can see just how Balayage is done right here in a little video from my appointment – start to finish!
Editor’s Note: There’s an even newer hair trend on the market…”Sombre” Hair – Read all about it here!
Here are the products I used to keep my Balayage looking super fresh, both higher end and budget versions!
Let’s start high end with the products I walked out of the salon with from Wella – A Silver Blond Shampoo and Cool Brunette Conditioner to target the two tones in my new hair.
Purple shampoo works wonders to regenerate blond hair. If you’ve never tried it before, take a read of my Ultimate Guide to Purple Shampoo and you’ll see why you need this bottle in your life!
The purple in this shampoo helps to tone down any brassy tones in your blonde taking it from straw yellow to golden in just one wash, while the cool brunette recharge in the conditioner really helps to lift the brown notes on top leaving your Balayage or Ombre looking as good as new!
READ: The BEST Purple Shampoo’s For Brightening Hair and Exactly How To Use Them
This is a winning combo for me and it completely transforms my hair every single time I use it – they also come in different warmths and colours to suit your toner.
They do have a price tag at around £10 a bottle though so I’ve also tried a more budget brand to compare…
At half the price this set from John Frieda sets out to do the same as the Wella version to boost your brunette and de-brass the blonde.
For just £5 a bottle the John Frieda Colour Renew Tone-Correcting Shampoo and John Frieda Enhancing Conditioner are a great cheaper alternative.
They work well but in all honesty not as well as the higher end Wella set. I can see a difference in my blonde, it’s definitely a better colour but it’s just missing that multi-tonal edge that I get when I use my Wella set.
I like both and tend to save my Wella set for ‘best’ while using the John Frieda during the week. Either way I’m totally sold on using specific shampoos and conditioners to target my multi-tones and think it’s an essential for keeping your coloured hair looking it’s best.
WATCH: The ULTIMATE Purple Shampoo
Do you use any purple or brunnete specific shampoos and conditioners you’d recommend?