The Biggest Decision I’ve Ever Made

Becoming a Full Time Blogger and Youtuber (1)

I’ve been waiting to write this post for a long time. The words have been rattling round in my head for the past four months and running round in my dreams for nearly 6 years. But today I finally get to hit publish and share everything with the world.

When I first started this blog on tumblr back in 2009 the world of blogging was in it’s early years with not a lot of people (myself included) even knowing what a blog was. I designed my theme, picked a name and started to write about what I was doing, where I was visiting and just general life stuff. When I told people what I did in my spare time they were fascinated and would always ask me ‘Would you like to do it full time?’ and up until this year I used to smile and politely say ‘Yes I’d absolutely love to…but it’s never going to happen’.Becoming a Full Time Blogger and Youtuber (2)

Fast forward 5 years to August 2015 and guess what, it’s finally happening… 

Today is my last day at my full-time job. 

Today is the start of a whole new chapter of my life. 

Today is the day my dreams come true.

After 5 years of hard work when people ask me what I do for a living I can finally say:


Becoming a Full Time Blogger and Youtuber (5)

Handing in my notice at work and following my dreams was the biggest decision I’ve ever made. When I decided I was going to take the plunge I was terrified of telling my parents – the most practical and wary people on the planet – but when I told Dad my plans instead of lecturing me on the risks he came back with a simple ‘Do it’ and that’s when I knew I was making the right decision.

I’ve given myself a year, worked hard so I’m able to take that time to really make a go at my blog, my business, my brand, and if it doesn’t work out? Well, I’ll settle back into a new job with a wealth of new experience. Life is far too short not to take chances like this when they come around and I’m so excited for my new adventure. I might hate working for myself, I might realise a few months in that as much as I love blogging and filming videos it’s more of a hobby than a career, but I’ll never know unless I try.

Becoming a Full Time Blogger and Youtuber (3)

I’m so excited finally be turning my passion into my full time job, to have more time to make a dent in the long list of video and blog post ideas I’ve got in my diary and attend all the events and opportunities I have to turn down because I don’t have enough annual leave. I’m so proud of how far my little space on the internet has come over the years and of myself for building everything up from scratch into what it is today, and developing a creative career sharing what I love with the world.

As you know I sometimes take on sponsored posts and videos from brands I love and trust. You may see a few more of these on my blog and youtube channel moving forward as I take my first steps into the world of professional blogging. But as always please rest assure that any relationships I make with brands will always be fully disclosed and be presented in an honest and relevant way to make content that’s great for everyone to read and watch. I’m proud of all the brands I work with and I only accept opportunities that are relevant to my blog which won’t be changing any time soon!

Becoming a Full Time Blogger and Youtuber (4)I COULDN’T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU

So thank you to every single one of you reading this. To everyone who talks to me on Twitter and retweets my content. Everyone who likes and comments on my Instagram and Facebook posts and to everyone who subscribes to my Youtube channel and leaves lovely messages on my videos. You are the reason I’m able to follow my dreams, you are the reason I sit down at my laptop every day and get excited to share my photos and writing with the blogging world.

Without you none of this would be possible.

So here’s to the next chapter in my life, the biggest decision I’ve ever made and following my dreams. I’m so excited to share this amazing journey with you and see what the future brings! Thank you for all your support over the last 5 years and here’s to the next however many…you can do anything you set your mind to and dreams do come true.

The Champagne’s on me <3

